Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Childern are very sensitive to dental treatment as they have a fear of dental chair and equipment. Our dental surgeons know how to manage the chidren,our staff is so cooperative and caring that in no time children become familier with the dental environment and get their treatment done.

Children Require Special Attention When It Comes To Dental Care, Including Teaching The Child Healthy Habits And How To Care For His Or Her Teeth.This Branch Of Dentistry Deals With Children From Birtth To Adolescence. It Is Recommended That A Dental Visit Should Occur Within Six Months After The Presence Of The First Tooth.It Is Important To Establish A Comprehensive And Accessible Ongoing Relationship Between The Dentist And Patient. This Is Because Early Oral Examination Aids In The Detection Of Early Stages Of Tooth Decay.

We recommend a first checkup by 12 months old to make certain that teeth and jaw development are normal and even more importantly so that parents and guardians know how to help their children be healthy from the start.

Guidelines for working with children

» Parents / guardians are always welcome in the room
» Comfort is always our concern
» Parent / guardian consent and guidance are vital before any procedure

First Visit

We recommend a first checkup by 6 months. A simple guide for when to schedule a first visit:

» As soon as after the first tooth erupted.
» At least by 12 months old
» As soon as possible if you have any querries

There is a significant value for early well baby dental checkups. In particular, checkups for very young children address many concerns including teaching adults how to care for their child's teeth and gums, how to help their children learn to care for themselves, answering parents questions and concerns and planning for future dental health.


Education and prevention are the cornerstones of our concern for the dental health of children. Checkups are done at appropriate time to evaluate:

»How many teeth are present
» Are all teeth present
» Loose teeth if any
» Braces / bite evaluation
» Cavity check
» Check health of gums
» Habit evaluation
» Homecare / prevention
» Fluoride use
» Review diet
» Address adult's concerns
» Teach adults how to care for child's teeth


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SMILE IN MINUTES Dental Care Doctors